8mm Laminated Foam Blanket


8mm Laminated Foam Blanket

8mm Laminated Foam Blanket


The Laminated Foam Blanket is a relitivly low cost investment for spa and swimspa owners that will quickly pay for itself by savings running costs. 

From  £280.00
(VAT included)

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Our 8mm floating blanket reduces up to 95% heat loss due to evaporation and radiation, whilst still being rollable and easy to use. It provides a further layer of insulation when used under your spa or swimspa rigid cover and will also provide a barrier between the spa water and the underside of the rigid cover, helping to protect the underside of the cover from the effects of chemicals and excess moisture. This well help prevent the rigid cover from water logging, one of the main causes of cover failure.

‘Easy to fit easy to use - the Laminated Foam Blanket can be easily trimmed to fit any spa shape. Ideal for indoor spas and swimspas